Mike Barbre

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Why you should tame your fear of failure by taking action

Never wait in expectation of perfection or you'll wait forever. Do the best you can with what you've got and be one of those who dared rather than those who merely dream. -- J.K. Rowling

It was December 2007. The market was less than a year away from failing and a LOT of people, and entire industries, were on the road to losing their jobs. A central figure in lifting a local nonprofit back to relevance and financial stability, I also knew I had one foot out the door looking for something new. 

WWHD: Harvey Specter always brings the perspective, especially when it comes to taking action rather than succumbing to your fear of failure.

Thankfully, I had been a volunteer with the Puget Sound chapter of the Public Relations Society of America's Totem Awards and Holiday Gala events. Being early December, it was showtime once again, except this year the Holiday Gala was being held at the world-famous Space Needle for the organization's 50th Anniversary. Not only that, but THE Jay Rockey, one of the "trinity" of PR icons the region had ever produced, was being honored with the PRSA Lifetime Achievement Award. Basically, we needed to produce the best Holiday Gala in history. The pressure was on. 

As I recall, everything seemed to be on track. The projector was tip-top and ready for the presentation, the food was laid out, volunteers had their itineraries -- everything was fine. 

Then my semi-mentor and all-around amazing human being Dave Blandford was notified whomever was going to manage the projector during Jay Rockey's Lifetime Achievement presentation wasn't going to make it. With the four of us gathered around, we had to decide who would would take the person's place. 


All eyes went directly to me. But I hadn't rehearsed the timing of the image changes!! 

It wouldn't be perfect! I wasn't ready!! 



To this day, I remember that "hot" feeling of blood rushing to my head. Those five seconds might as well been a whole minute. The worst part is Dave, Jenn, and the others saw right through me; an overwhelming sense of shame permeated my body and I've never forgotten it. I was ashamed I didn't jump in to fill the void, realize my teammates' faith that I was the one to turn to, and show up when I was needed the most. All because I was nervous that I hadn't practiced to be PERFECT. 

Now granted -- save for that massive f-up and failure to come through for the team in that situation, I think we all had a fun and successful night. Not only that, but I was a central contributor that season; as the only designated Sponsorship Procurer I actually broke the PRSA Holiday Gala event record for corporate sponsorships for a PRSA event. 

That said, do you notice how so many athletes say how, regardless of how many titles they won, it's the ones they missed they remember most? That's how I felt for years afterward. 

For that reason, for that FEELING...I've made a concerted effort since to fight through that apprehension...that all-encompassing FEAR OF FAILURE that inhibits our ability to realize our true potential. 

And it doesn't stop. The monster will never stop, and it's all on us to rise and fight that fear of non-perfection, lack of confidence, or negative perception of our own abilities in that moment. 

It's important I recognize the monster wins. A lot. If only you knew how long it took to get this first post done! My fear dictated inaction was better than action; to have all my ducks in a row before execution. Life is a series of moments where you either jump into the abyss towards something greater, or you remain the same. 

The funny thing is every single time I've taken that leap, whether I was successful or not I never, not once, regretted doing it. Join me in looking with confidence and a spirit of adventure towards the monster and saying, "BRING IT."

I leave this first post with one of my favorite Jordan-Nike commercials, which captures the spirit of leaving our sense of "perfection" at the door, defeat that fear of failure, and rediscover the courage and success that awaits us on the other side.